eBay Apparel Vertical Landing Page

Inspiring customers to browse & discover apparel

My internship project involved designing a new curated and personalized exploratory Apparel vertical landing page that engages users with relevant content and style recommendations.



UX/UI Designer


9 weeks



eBay is forecasted to generate $1.5B GMV globally in 2023 in Re-commerce. As consumers become more environmentally conscious and seek high-quality, affordable and sustainable clothing options, the demand for secondhand fashion is likely to grow even further, especially within Gen Z customers.


eBay is not an inspiring platform. The majority of eBay users arrive with a clear purchase intention and leave once the transaction is complete. Additionally, eBay customers complain about the platform's inability to understand their preferences, resulting in irrelevant content due to a lack of personalization.


Increase engagement by delivering personalized and relevant recommendations.


Attract and retain Gen Z audiences by catering to their unique fashion preferences.


Utilize GenAI to generate content that align with trends and users' individual style profiles


Provide an intuitive and visually appealing interface that encourages exploration and discovery.

Entry Points

Explore different entry points within the eBay ecosystem where VLP and different content can live.

Current state

The project is UK first. In its current state, Pre-loved clothing lives on the eBay home page as a pill. Clicking onto it takes the user to the Pre-loved browse node which is not personalized to the user and lacks inventory.

Early Design Explorations

Shoppable Content

Part of my project was integrating 'Shoppable Content'– a feature my team created during eBay's GenAI sprint– into the Vertical Landing Page and related screens. Shoppable Content involves using AI to generate lifestyle images to inspire users by helping them discover similar items.

VLP content structure

My initial idea for Shoppable Content integration on the VLP was to include 'Your Curations'- a folder for users to browse their saved styles, 'Trending,'- popular styles based on season, and 'Curated'- recommended styles for the user.

The user would also see updates from other sellers and an entry point for 'Picked for You' listed items.

% of Pre-loved Analysis

50% Pre-loved

More focused on Pre-loved shopping on the VLP but a de-emphasized main entry point for Pre-loved.


Can be Pre-loved

Not Pre-loved

Pre-loved entry point

25% Pre-loved

Less focus on Pre-loved on VLP but has an entry point at the top. Involves dedicated Pre-loved page and more opportunity for specific marketing.


Can be Pre-loved

Not Pre-loved

Pre-loved entry point

Picked for You

The 'Picked for You' page is an endless scroll browse experience, similar to social media that includes recommended items and styles.

Version 1

New ‘posts’ from sellers are shown at the top. Endless scroll experience shown below.

Version 2

New ‘posts’ from sellers integrated in endless scroll experience.

Version 3

‘New from your sellers’ includes styles and items. Endless scroll experience shown below.

Integrating Shoppable Content

'Trending styles' (based on season and current trends) is located on the VLP, and 'curated style guides' (recommended for the user) is located on the Picked for You page.

Phase 2: Saving Styles

After the GenAI sprint, I worked on figuring out how the styles would be saved. The heart button used to save an item to a watchlist was being used for a style, but styles can’t get added to the watchlist.

Saving styles content structure

Updated user profile/store

Updates to the seller/store profile when the 'curated' option is activated.

Current user/store profile

Updated design

Critiques & Iterations

Entry points & naming

After team discussions, I received feedback suggesting that a 'Women's Clothing' VLP was limiting. In response, I advocated for expanding the VLP into a broader 'Apparel' page that encompasses men's, women's, and kids' clothing (based on individual shopping behavior), which offers a more personalized and inclusive shopping experience.

User control: feedback & recommendations

I learned from an external team that the 'Style Survey' feature could pose challenges, as not all eBay domains can easily update, potentially leading to poor user experience. As such, I began exploring alternative methods to gather user feedback for generating content recommendations.

Style Survey

Alt. form of feedback

Alt. form of feedback

What happens if a curated saved item is sold out?

Rather than displaying eBay's current 'sold out' page with unrelated inventory, I opted to maintain the endless scroll experience for browsing visually similar items

Current user/store profile

Updated design

High-fidelity Designs

Vertical Landing Page

The VLP is highly personalized to user behavior. The same marketing can be utilized across the app but different inventory will be shown.

Style guide

Style Guide integrates the Shoppable Content feature where users can save styles to a curated collection and shop similar.

Picked for You page

The endless scroll browse experience, featuring recommended styles and items, newly listed items from saved sellers, newly saved styles from saved sellers, and the style survey.

Seller/Store Profile

The seller profile once 'curated' is turned on, allowing users to link their social media and share styles and items.

User Journey Walkthrough

Next Steps

Shoppable Content updates

Due to challenges with generative AI technology, style saving will not be included in MVP 0. During the final week of my internship, I designed updated screens that align with the feature's goals while still leaving room for future expansion.



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